Greeting cards are a great way to show another person how you feel. There are plenty of reasons to send a greeting card. You could be thanking, congratulating, consoling or just sending one out of the blue. Whatever the reason, greeting cards can make an impact on someone’s day. Here are a few ways to personalize your cards to make the gesture more meaningful and sincere:
Add a personal photo inside
If you’re sending a greeting card to a friend or family member, a personal photo is a great addition{revised to be in active voice}. This photo can be between the two of you or just them. Try looking back at your photo album? archives to uncover one your loved one might have never seen before. It can be a great surprise to add to an already wonderful gesture.
Use a colored pen
Make people pause on the card before reaching for the gift inside. Be a little creative with the insides of your cards by using pens in colors other than the usual black and blue. Try pink, green or purple, for instance. This little pop of color will help get their attention. Hint: If you know the recipient’s favorite color, choose that one for your personalized message!
Play with the writing
If you think writing a common message such as “happy birthday” or “my condolences” is too trite or cheesy, opt for something more creative. Sometimes the things that people have said in the past can convey the message better than we can. If this is the case, include a quote in the inside of your personalized card. If the recipient has a favorite author or political figure, this would be a great way to showcase how well you know your loved one. If you’re feeling experimental, try writing your own poem or playing with words. Putting in this time and effort to create something new will show him or her how much you care. In addition, it can be a great way to hone your creative skills.
Decorate the outside
There are more elements to a card than just the inside. To add that extra pop, seal the card in a festive or decorated envelope. You can add stickers create your own design making the envelope stand out. But don’t forget about the stamp either! There are plenty of stamp varieties that your local post office will have. However, you may also get your stamps customized through online sites. Therefore, you can match up the colors to make the entire package pop!