Tips for getting the most out of your break

March 23, 2015

When you’re busy at work, it can be difficult to remember to take a break. Science has shown, however, that taking a five-minute break for every hour that you work leads to better concentration, more focus, less on-the-job accidents and even a skinnier waistline. Try these tips to get the most out of your breaks:

Get some exercise
Sitting at your desk all day can make your body pretty unhappy. It doesn’t matter how ergonomic your desk setup is, you need to get up and move every once in a while. If you have a short break, stand up and stretch. Reach your arms toward the sky and lean right and left. Maybe try to touch your toes. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel when your blood flow increases. If you have a longer break – 30 minutes to an hour – consider heading to a local gym or taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood. You’ll burn calories while waking up your body and mind with cardiovascular activity.

Grab some food
In order to function your best you need to have the proper fuel. That means food. Even when we’re hungry, sometimes it’s easy to skip eating healthy in favor of the quicker option: junk food. If you find yourself strolling to the corner store to fill up on energy drinks and gummy worms every afternoon, you could probably use a more nutritional meal. Caffeine and sugar will give you an energy boost, but you’ll soon crash and possibly feel worse than before you consumed them. To get energy that is more evenly spaced and doesn’t cause a major drop in blood sugar, look for foods that are high in carbohydrates and protein. Consider bringing a snack like lunch meat and wheat crackers to munch on between meetings. This tasty duo is good for you and won’t leave you slumped over your desk in a half an hour. Eating a healthy snack or lunch during your break will allow you to get away from work and gain energy to get you through the rest of the day.

Gain professional advice
Some people think breaks are a waste of time. If this is you, there is a useful way to use your break to better your career – seek professional advice! This can mean looking through the Forbes or Fast Company websites, scrolling through LinkedIn, or even having lunch with a colleague or mentor. Ask questions that you are looking to gain insight into, like how to become a better communicator or a more effective boss. You’ll return to work with valuable knowledge and be ready to bring your focus to your job. don’t forget to send a thank-you card if you have lunch with someone!

Work can be a very stressful place. You are likely facing a lot of demands from supervisors, clients and colleagues, and that can make it difficult to concentrate and do well. Spend a few moments meditating during your break. This will empty your mind and temporarily relieve you of the anxiety-inducing aspects of work. According to the Art of Living, meditation also provides a boost for your immune system, improves metabolism and can even make you an overall happier person.