A quick review of thank you card etiquette

Since it's the season of giving, it's safe to say you'll be sending more than a few thank you cards in the coming months, whether they're going to a neighbor, a client or your letter carrier. Although you may have a stack of cards to write, it's important that you take your time with each one and make it special. Incorporate these components to create the perfect thank you note:

Mention the gift
If you don't quickly note what gift you got from this person, your thank you could easily come off as a mass-produced letter. This lets them know that you received what they gave you.

After you mention the present you got, write a sentence or two about how this gift has or will change your life for the better. For instance, if someone got you a coffee maker for Christmas, say something like "I'm much more alert in the morning thanks to you! I love enjoying a hot cup of coffee in my kitchen before heading out the door." Short, sweet, sincere and to the point.

How has this person made your life better?
After you're done touching on the gift, think about the relationship between you and this person. A thank you note is the perfect place to remind someone of how good of a friend they are, or to let a client know how much you appreciate their loyal business.

Acknowledge future contact
Toward the end of your thank you note, mention something about seeing this person in the future. If it's a friend, suggest going to get coffee to catch up, or if it's a client, say something like, "I look forward to speaking with you soon!" This is your chance to express any excitement you have about seeing or talking to this particular person in the coming months or year.

Reiterate gratitude
Finish your letter by once again thanking the giver for their thoughtful present. This wraps up the card and sets you up for your exit. You can end the card using any word, such as love, sincerely, best, regards – this of course will depend on the recipient of the card.

Thank you tips
Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind as you're writing:

Pay attention to handwriting: You could be writing the most thoughtful, lovely message, but if your penmanship is sub par, the recipient won't be able to read it. Write slowly to ensure a clear and easy-to​-read letter.

Show your personality: Your tone will vary letter by letter, but it's OK to showcase your personality in these cards. Here's a good rule of thumb: Your voice and tone in the note should mimic how you interact with the recipient in person.

Proofread: Having a spelling or grammar mistake in a card to your best friend or family member might not be a big deal, but it could be to a customer. Always proofread your thank you notes before sealing them up and mailing them.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.