3 keys to building a positive online presence

Succeeding in finding a job these days means having a very strong online presence. What's out there on the Web is the only representation of you that potential employers have, so it's crucial you pay close attention to this virtual portrayal of yourself. Here's some professional advice for how to build your online presence to make yourself more appealing to employers:

1. Have a filter

Before posting something on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, ask yourself if this is something you would be OK with your boss seeing. If not, it's best to keep the post private. You may not realize it now, but something you put online today could have a direct impact on you landing a job in the future. Many companies do online searches of the candidates they're looking at, and you want to come across as professional. Now, that's not to say you can't showcase your personality on social media. Be true to yourself, but always think before you post.

If you're still not sure what you should post and what you shouldn't, consider signing up for Reppler, which is a social media monitoring service that will identify red flags throughout your social platforms and let you know how your presence is perceived. It even lets you know about potential risks or issues so you can be sure your project yourself in the most professional manner.

2. Create a personal website

When applying for a job online, companies typically require a cover letter and resume from you. More recently, I've been seeing employers ask for a link to a personal website or blog. While this isn't mandatory, it can help set you apart from other candidates and showcase in a clearer fashion who you are as a person and as a professional in your industry. This website is the perfect place to showcase your work and demonstrate to future employers that you're experienced enough for the job. Examples could be links to articles you've had published, an album of photographs you've taken, sales numbers, a presentation, etc. Only put up the best pieces of your work to project the ideal image of yourself.

3. Be consistent

Make sure all of the information about yourself is consistent across all of your social media platforms. Doing so makes it easy for employers to find information about you, and shows that you're organized and detail-oriented. It's also important that your name remains the same across your websites, as this builds a stronger web existence and makes you easier to search for.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.