How to personalize cards

One would say that sending a card is personal enough. And while a card is an amazing way to show someone how much they mean to you, what’s inside also matters. You don’t want any old, boilerplate message taking up space. Here are some ideas for personalizing your cards.

Add a photo
If you’re looking to add a little extra something special, a photograph is the perfect way to do so. Just slip a photo of you and the recipient inside. You can even try to find one that matches the color scheme of the card. Note the date and location the picture was taken to jog the person’s memory. Even better, try and find a photograph that you know they’ve never seen so it’s all a surprise!

Tell a story
A meaningful way to show off your writing skills is to tell a short story. We recommend writing it out on a scrap of paper beforehand to make sure it will fit nicely inside the card. Your recipient will be entertained by your creativity.

Lottery scratch tickets
Everyone loves the excitement that comes with scratching off a lottery ticket. It’s an extra bonus to the card. And hey, your recipient might even win! However, if you choose to send a lottery ticket, make sure that your recipient is over the age 18, otherwise he or she won’t be able to claim the prize if it’s a winner.

Something original
The ideas above should just get you started. Personalize your card with even more exciting things that represent your relationship with the recipient. Doing this will show him or her how much you really care and how you wanted to go above and beyond.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.