How to organize your desk

The office is like your second home. You spend most days there, which means you’ve probably acquired quite a few personal items on your desk over time. Well, now is the time to get it into tip-top shape. Here is your guide on organizing your desk.

1. Throw out any trash
Let’s start with something easy. Get rid of anything you don’t need like old coffee cups, sheets of paper that are no longer needed and anything else that is non-essential. This is a great starting point for desk clearing.

2. Clean the surfaces
Have you ever gotten so busy during the workday that you had to eat lunch at your desk? It happens to everyone. However, germs and food particles can build up over time, leaving residue on all your surfaces. Take this time to clean everything off. Use antibacterial spray and paper towels to wipe down all your surfaces so everything looks sparkly and new.

Don’t forget about your computer. Use a glass cleaner for the screen and wipes on the rest of the surface. You might even want to invest in a keyboard spray. You’ll be surprised how much brighter everything looks when it’s clean.

3. Develop an organization plan
Now is the time to make a plan so that your space doesn’t get cluttered again tomorrow. For instance, you could try the two-tray system. It’s simple. The two trays work as a divide between new documents and old ones. That way, you know exactly what you don’t need to look and what you still have to do. It’s a simple approach, but it could make you more productive in the long run.

4. Invest in new stationery
It’s great that you’re trying to get the most out of the notepad that you were given when you started a year ago, but sometimes you have to give it up. If it wrinkled and has coffee stains and such, it’s time to invest something that’s fresh and new.

5. Hang things up
Sometimes you can make space for items just by hanging them up on a corkboard. Do you still have the greeting card your colleagues gave you for your birthday? Put that on display. It clears you desk and personalizes your space.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.