3 benefits to sending your customers calendar cards

In addition to business holiday cards, there's another item you may want to consider mailing out to your client list: calendar cards. There are a variety of styles from which to choose, and you can customize your calendar with a logo and company name. Here are just a few benefits that can come from sending your clients calendar cards:

1. Puts your name out there all year
Your customers may use this calendar all year long, which means that the name of your business will be in front of them at all times. The calendar will serve as a gentle reminder that you're always there to take care of what they need.

2. Markets your business all year long
Calendars are a fantastic marketing tool, as you can advertise special deals, events and promotions that are occurring throughout the year. Always include contact information somewhere on the calendar to make it easy for your customers to get ahold of you. This way, your phone number, address or email address will always be within reach.

3. Low price for a big impression
Calendar cards are a valuable investment because they have a low cost, but make a big impact on your customers in the long run.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.