Ways to earn respect at the office

One of the most important things that you can earn at work is not a raise or a promotion – it's respect. When your supervisors, colleagues and subordinates respect you, a raise and promotion may be within reach. Respect allows you to work with all kinds of people, from your co-workers to suppliers, clients and customers. It helps you communicate and will make your opinions matter. Here are some ways to earn respect:

Be on time
You know the guy who is always late to meetings? He's not being respectful of other people's time or his own. When he finally enters the conference room the people already in the meeting likely roll their eyes or nudge one another. They are annoyed that he isn't courteous enough to show up when he is supposed to. Don't be that person. Try your best to arrive early to every meeting or event. This will allow you extra time to prepare if you are presenting or to talk with other attendees. You will earn the respect of those around you by being reliable and timely.

Stay humble
Whether you are a new hire or the owner of a business, it is important to stay humble. If you have accomplished something noteworthy, it's OK to share that news with the team, but be sure to acknowledge other people who helped get the job done. This is a great opportunity for employee recognition. Award someone who has done really well with a congratulatory greeting card and some kind words saying why you are thankful for their hard work.

When someone is speaking to you, pay attention. Make eye contact and ask questions about what they are saying. If you listen to your supervisor, it will help you get your job done in a timely and high-quality manner. Listening to co-workers will allow you to learn about the office dynamic and find where you fit in. When you listen to subordinates, you are showing that you value what they have to say. Listening to those around you will help you earn their respect because they will know they can come to you with problems or feedback. Also, listen to personal anecdotes that are told at work. It is important to know a bit about your co-workers home lives, like when their birthdays are or if they are getting married. Show that you care by sending them appropriate business greeting cards. They'll be impressed that you remembered and thankful for your thoughtful gesture.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.