Try these team-building activities

When your employees know one another and are comfortable around one another, they are likely to become a more cohesive group. They will be more productive and have a much easier time communicating together if they know a bit about each other. Team-building exercises and activities can be a simple, 20-minute ice breaker or a day-long retreat. Here are a few great ways to have fun and encourage mingling among your employees:

If you work in or near a major city, chances are you have plenty of opportunities to bring your staff members together to network with others in your industry. Check out Meetups or attend events hosted by trade associations or magazines that are relevant to your work. Your employees will talk with one another and make valuable connections with others in similar professional positions. You'll be bonding as a team while gaining insightful knowledge about trends and news, all while getting the word out about your company. 

Take a field trip
Remember in school when it was super exciting to get out of the building as a class to visit an attraction or even just take a walk to a nearby park? Your staff may feel a similar excitement about getting out of the office for a bit. Talk with your employees to see what field trip ideas they suggest. Maybe take a half-day to check out a museum or go see a local professional sports team play a home game. Getting away from the computers and cubicles reduces pressure and stress and can help facilitate bonding.

Volunteer together
Volunteering is a wonderful way to get to know one another while doing good for others. Ask your staff what organizations they want to work with and take a vote to see which option is most popular. Contact that organization and set up a time to help out. You can make meals for the homeless, volunteer to walk dogs at an animal shelter or even visit an adoption center to read to the children. This outing will help your team mingle while also making a difference in the world.

Acknowledge each other
Make your staff members feel special by sending birthday cards. Leave the card with the receptionist so everyone in the office can sign it without the recipient knowing. The person whose birthday it is will be  You can also consider doing something to recognize employees who are doing really well. Maybe have an employee of the month or start a monthly newsletter to talk about the great things your staff is doing. Highlight individuals who have made major sales or created really cool projects. Your employees will get to know one another by reading about who's doing what in the newsletter. Plus, you will likely gain some respect and loyalty because people will want to be featured in the letter. They will work towards completing their goals in order to have their own time in the headlines.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.