New Year’s resolutions for any industry

New Year's is a clean slate – an opportunity to completely reinvent yourself both personally and professionally. Start off 2015 on the right note by setting a few New Year's resolutions (that you'll actually stick to). Whether you work in finance, real estate or legal, these New Year's resolutions can help you improve professionally:

I will learn to delegate.
No matter what your job is, there are going to be days when you simply have too many responsibilities to handle. This is when it's necessary to delegate tasks to others on your team or at your office. Trying to take on everything at once may only stress you out and lead to an unhealthy work-life balance. Instead, learn to delegate tasks so you can get things done and do them well.

I will network.
There's no such thing as too much networking. Knowing the right people and forming relationships with them can push your career forward, and you may even make some great friends along the way. Stay up to date with social media platforms like LinkedIn and Google+, and always be on the lookout for any networking events in your area.

I will stay positive.
This one is harder to stick with some days than others, but doing your best to maintain a positive attitude can only help your work. It's easy to complain about minor things around the office, but doing so may only put you in a bad mood and negatively affect your productivity. Try your best to look at things in a positive light, and you'll find that zeal will come back to you in a good way.

I will not be too critical of myself.
When you make a mistake at work, it's easy for that one error to sink your confidence. Keep in mind, however, that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of dwelling on that one negative thing, move on and focus on all of the successes that you've had at work.

I will get to know my co-workers.
Chances are, you don't know everyone in your office. Getting to know who you work with can make the office an even more enjoyable place to be. Attend after-work events, ask co-workers to lunch and take any opportunity to engage in conversation with others.

I will continue to learn.
No matter how many years you've been in an industry, there is always more you can learn and new skills to acquire. If an opportunity comes up where you can learn from others, take it. Exploring all sorts of areas in your industry will only make you a better and more valuable employee.

I will use my time more productively.
It's easy to get distracted by side conversations with co-workers, YouTube videos or social media. In 2015, make a conscious effort to make the most of your time at the office. Schedule breaks into you day to check Facebook and Twitter or de-stress with a YouTube video. Designate the rest of your day to getting work done. Use a desk calendar to keep track of deadlines, meetings and special projects. 

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.