Let your customers know you’re moving with a postcard

There is a lot to take care of when it comes time to move locations. Maybe your business has grown and you need a new space to accommodate it, or perhaps you have simply found a different building that makes more sense for your company. It’s an exciting time full of boxes, to-do lists and packing tape.

One thing you want to be sure to bring with you when you move is your customers and clientele. In order to keep them in the loop on your big move, consider sending a moving announcement postcard. These handy items are low cost (some just 54 cents) and very easy to use. After choosing the card you can personalize it, adding your new address (and even those of your clients) for super easy mailing. If you’d rather use a personal touch (and you have time in between packing and taking care of your daily business tasks) you can buy the cards with a plain side and hand write both your business’ and customers’ addresses.

There are several styles available, from elegant script announcing, “We have a new address” to a graphic of a moving truck that reads, “We have moved.” You’re sure to find one you like that represents your business well.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.