How to build and maintain good customer relationships

Customers are who drive your business, so it's important to develop and maintain solid, professional relationships with them. Staying connected with your client base may even prompt your customers to send new business to your company. Regular clients make the best sales people for your business. Here are a few effective strategies in building good customer relationships:

Learn how to communicate openly
You should always be readily available to your clients, whether it's promptly answering an email or returning a phone call. Maintaining an open and effective line of communication helps build trust and loyalty between company and customer. Always keep clients in the loop on any projects to eliminate unanswered questions or clear up uncertainties.

Reward loyal customers
Your regular customers should be rewarded every once in awhile throughout the year for their continued loyalty. The reward doesn't have to be anything substantial – something as simple as a coupon, helpful advice, a note or thank you card showing your appreciation or an invite to a special event can make your client feel special and help build upon your relationship.

Stay in touch during the holiday season
Once the holidays roll around, you should let your customers know that you're thinking of them. This is a perfect time to thank them for their business and send your warm regards for the coming year. Email greetings are much too impersonal – instead, send business holiday cards complete with a handwritten signature. A mailed letter will come with a much more personal touch than a quickly sent email. Sending holiday cards is also an effective way of getting in touch with clients that you may not have spoken with in awhile. These cards can act as a reminder that you're happy to help them with whatever they may need business wise.

Consider sending neutral cards that don't touch on a specific holiday. You may not know what particular festivities people celebrate, so you don't want anyone to feel left out.

Maintain a professional environment
It's crucial that your office environment is both professional and clean, as the space is a representation of your company. When clients come to visit, they should feel welcomed and comfortable. Think about your target demographic and what appeals to them. Does the image of your office space reflect your audience? If not, it may be time to redecorate a bit. Consider updating everything from desks and chairs to wall art, potted plants, carpets and blinds. Even the smallest changes can have a dramatic impact on the overall feel of your office.

Serve clients well
Having good interpersonal skills will always be important in conducting business, but your customers are paying for results, so ensure that they're getting them. Always be thinking of how you can better serve them and be in tune to what they want.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.