Going green at the office

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle at the office can not only help out the environment, it may create a healthier place to work and could even save money. Going green doesn’t have to mean making significant changes. In fact, it’s the smallest of updates that can make the biggest difference.

Use non-disposable kitchen supplies
Everyone needs their morning and afternoon coffee, and having a coffee machine in the office means that you don’t have to leave the building to get your fix. Instead of setting out paper cups, switch to non-disposable supplies and use mugs. People can wash the mugs when they’re done, and numerous paper cups won’t end up in the garbage each day. Plus, you won’t have to shell out money to buy the cups in bulk.

Send out recycled holiday cards
Business holiday cards are a simple way to brand your company and show clients that you appreciate their business. Sure, emails may not use paper, but virtual greetings are much more impersonal than a physical card. Consider sending your customers recycled holiday cards – neither you or your clients will notice the difference, but the environment will.

Turn off electronics
When the work day comes to an end, all electronics should be shut down to save energy and cut back on costs. Even when computers are on standby, they’re still using up energy, especially when there are a lot of them on at once. Having devices plugged into power strips can be a handy way to simply and quickly turn off technology when not in use.

Switch light bulbs
Instead of using incandescent light bulbs, switch to energy efficient compact fluorescents. These bulbs are about four times more efficient than the incandescent variety and last up to 10 times longer.

Encourage telecommuting
If possible, offer your employees the choice to work from home a few days a week. Telecommuting using video conferencing and instant messaging helps cut back on the emissions that come from commuting to the office.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.