Final discount sale: Free shipping

When you order your business holiday cards, along with any other stationery you need, the shipping costs are on us. With our final discount sale, you'll receive free shipping for two days on any order. Here are a few suggestions regarding what you may want to stock up on:

1. Business holiday cards
Holiday cards are the perfect way to grow your professional relationships with your fellow co-workers and get in touch with them over the Christmas season. Send cards to those with whom you actively work and opt for neutral stationery that doesn't mention a specific holiday. Tailor the message within the card to reflect your relationship with that person. You could mention a special project you may have worked on together or thank them for helping you around the office. A personalized message is a simple way to show you care.

2. Thank you cards
This holiday season, you may get gifts in the mail from co-workers, mentors, bosses, friends and family. It's polite to promptly thank that person for the present, which is why you'll need to have an assortment of thank you cards nearby. Keep a list of who gave you gifts and what they were so you can properly thank them with a short yet sincere note of appreciation.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.