How to achieve a satisfying work-life balance

Finding that happy medium between your work life and your home life can often be easier said than done. Even with a busy job, however, you can still have a successful career without sacrificing precious time outside of the office. After all, having too much stress or pressure in one area of your life can often damage the other. Here's how to achieve that perfect balance:

Set a time limit for email
Having smartphones by our sides at all times makes it very easy (and tempting) to check our email during every moment of the day. However, when you get home from work, you should focus on your personal life. Shut off your work phone and turn off email notifications so you're not tempted to keep working even when you're home.

Accept that not everything will get done
No matter your job, it always seems like there are never enough hours in the day to cross everything off of your to-do list. If you've been productive all day, but still haven't accomplished every task, that's OK. It's important to let go of the idea of perfectionism, otherwise, you'll be left working 12-hour days and having little time to de-stress and relax at home.

With that being said, maintaining productivity at the office is essential. Eliminate any activities that may be time wasters or distractions (like Twitter and Facebook) that take you away from you work. Keep your priorities straight by creating to-do lists on your desk calendar and crossing things off as you go. These strategies will keep you productive so you feel good about your progress at the end of the day.

Schedule 'me time'
Even when you get home from the office, there may not be a whole lot of downtime allowing you to do what you enjoy if you have errands to run or kids to take care of. This is why it's important to schedule things to look forward to, whether that's a movie, a massage, or a workout.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.