Categories: InspirationProfessional Tips & Advice

5 reasons to send a postcard when you’re abroad

Way back before Facebook, people usually told their friends and loved ones about their travels, experiences and accomplishments by writing a simple note on a postcard. Seems old-fashioned, right? With today’s instantaneous digital communications, the art of sending and receiving postcards is slowly fizzling out.

Next time you’re on trip to a different country, consider writing a quick note to your family and friends letting them know where you’ve been and what you’re up to.

Here are five reasons to send a postcard when you’re traveling:

1. It’s quick and easy
Worried you’re too busy studying or site seeing and don’t have enough time to sit down and write a heartfelt letter? That’s what postcards are for! There isn’t much room for writing anyway, so paint a quick picture for your readers and jot down a few activities you’ve been doing or new foods you’ve been trying.

Postcards are painless since they don’t require much technology. You won’t have to worry about poor Internet service or occupied plugs that prevent you from charging your dying device. Additionally, you wont have to lug that heavy laptop around all day and risk it getting lost, stolen or broken. You can communicate with a postcard anytime, anywhere.

2. Higher retention rate
Today, people read so much on the Internet that they often forget what they’ve read by the end of the day. The Association of Magazine Media explored the possibility that a human brain can process print-based information differently than digitally transmitted information.

“Memory and comprehension from paper-based reading is likely enriched by the multisensory experience of holding and manipulating paper and the sense of position effected by the physicality of print,” The Association of Magazine Media stated.

The study found that reading paper-based materials allows a person to narrow his or her focus, which allows for fewer distractions and interruptions while reading. Keep these thoughts in mind the next time you sit down to write an email or send a text message. If you want your loved ones to truly understand your experiences and walk down memory lane with you, writing a postcard is the way to go.

3. It shows where you’ve been
Pick up a postcard from each city or country you visit and enlighten your friends and family with a glimpse of what each place looks like. Whether the cards depict historical buildings or beautiful scenery, your loved ones will be able to see what life is like in your favorite destinations. Consider picking up a couple extra postcards while you’re on vacation  and create a little album at the end of your travels. On the card, write down the foods you ate, people you met, sites you saw and one of your favorite activities you participated in while you were there – or your least favorite so you know to avoid that next time you visit.

4. You’ll stand out
Rather than conforming by sending an email or text message, do something different and send a postcard. There’s always something extra special when you open the mailbox and see a letter addressed to you. It’s nostalgic and shows that even during a busy travel schedule, someone made time for you, showing how important you are to him or her. Even a small gesture such as a handwritten letter can have a great impact on someone.

5. It will be cherished
Emails aren’t pretty, so it’s highly unlikely that you’ll see one printed and posted on the refrigerator. In addition to the short but sweet message, postcards have beautiful photos and graphics on them that should be put on display. Postcards make for a great keepsake and are constant reminders that your loved one was thinking of you throughout their beautiful journey abroad.

Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.

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Tiffany Sevcik

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