5 items you should always have at your desk

There's a lot that can happen during the eight hours you sit at your desk. Therefore, it's important to be prepared for whatever the day may throw at you. Keeping the following items in your desk at all times may be able to improve your productivity, keep you organized and develop relationships with clients:

Tide To-Go pen
If you love to drink coffee or tea every day at the office, there's always the possibility that your favorite beverage will end up on your shirt or pants. As luck would have it, this scenario usually plays out right before a big meeting with a client or a superior. Stains don't have to ruin your professional reputation, however. Keep a Tide To-Go pen in your desk to have an ally against any mishaps that may happen during the day.

Thank you cards
Writing a quick thank you note to a co-worker or client is a simple way to show your appreciation. A note can help you build rapport with other professionals in your industry. That thank you letter can be the difference between standing out at work and blending in with the rest of the employees. Having blank cards in your desk means you'll always have a way to say thank you whether it was for helping out with a presentation or sending a client your way.

Sticky notes
I'm willing to bet there are quite a few items that build up on your to-do list in your head throughout the day. Having sticky notes at your desk allows you to quickly jot down anything you need to remember before you leave for the day.

A spare phone charger
If you're expecting a call from a client or rely on your phone to notify you of any meetings you have coming up, you certainly don't want your phone to lose battery power. Keeping a spare phone charger in your desk ensures you'll always be prepared to make and take calls.

Water bottle
Coffee can help give you the pick-me-up you need in the morning, but more than a few cups may leave you feeling jittery and cause a crash later on. Always have a reusable water bottle at your desk that you can fill up throughout the day. Staying hydrated will help keep you energized and focused at work. You may also want to keep a few healthy snacks at your desk as well, like some roasted nuts or fresh fruit, to help you stay alert.

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.