3 random acts of kindness you can do in 2016

Ever year, you make the same New Year’s resolution that you never seem to follow through on – bummer. Instead of breaking your resolution or avoiding it altogether, why don’t you set forth to perform random acts of kindness throughout the year, for your loved ones or even your co-workers.

Here are three suggestions to help you get started on your new venture:

1. ‘Just because’ letter
Write a heartfelt letter to your loved ones with your personalized/custom note cards expressing how much you appreciate them. This could be your best friend, college roommate or even your grandma. Not many people receive fan mail nowadays, so whomever you send it to will be pleasantly surprised when they find an envelope with your return address on it. Hey, you might even find your letter hanging up on grandma’s refrigerator next time you make the trip down!

2. Thank-you note
With your thank you cards, express gratitude to your hardest working employees who help make a difference for your company. It’s always reassuring to receive some form of pat on the back, so why not do it through a letter. Thank them for their hand work, professionalism and efforts in bettering the company. Every time you walk past your co-worker’s desk you’ll see your thank-you card on display – won’t that just warm your heart?

3. Treat a new friend to lunch
If there is a new member on your team, get to know him or her more and treat him or her to lunch during his or her first week at the new job. It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy – a local sandwich joint will do the trick. Address any questions or concerns regarding the position or the company in general. Look at that – you just did a good deed and made a new friend!

Written by Tiffany Sevcik

I have helped bring greeting cards into the offices and homes of many business professionals for many years. With Brookhollow, I hope to inspire your business to being the brand it wants to be.